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Zen Stones

Hara Institute
Dedicated to Leaders in search of meaning and coherence

Accueil: Bienvenue

About Hara

"By Hara, the Japanese mean possessing a  state of being. This state involves the whole person and allows him to open himself to the forces and the unity of original life. Thus he can express them as much through the mastery and the fulfilment of his life, as through the sense he makes out of them." 

K.G. Durckheim
For millenaries, the Masters of martial arts and Wise men from various philosophies refer to the Hara. 

Hara is a source of energy located at the heart of the center of gravity of the human body.


The Way of Hara: the Meaning and the Path


The way of Hara


It consists in discovering, experiencing and anchoring the tracks to one's inner source of energy.

Centering oneself in the Hara makes up a foundation to self-control, as well as to a full awareness access to an inspiring wisdom, at the service of meaning, peace, unity and harmony.

The Way of Hara Institute

Luc accompanies the leaders and imparts his teachings to the service of the hatch out of enlightened actors, both inspired and inspiring. The way of Hara opens the access to a right attitude, which is a prerequisite for the hath out and the audacity of a no-limit inspiration.


Approaches & Tools

Luc's teachings receive their inspiration from the traditional Martial Arts and ancestral wisdom. They are experiential and pragmatic, practical in daily situations.

When the participants intend to get connected to the Hara, they are initiated in the precepts of Zen archery, in Tao, meditation,in practices of centering, anchoring and alignment of their four bodies, in the work on posture and attitude through practices inspired from Aïkido and the Art of saber.

Benefits for the Leaders

When practised in full consciousness, the Way of Hara enables to reach some levels of consciousness and experiences that will transform the usual limiting conditioning.
New states of being arise: a more harmonious posture, an inner alignment, a new self-audacity, a humble, respectful attitude, inclusive of everybody.

Accueil: Services

Luc Petit-Barreau

Luc has guided leaders for more than 20 years in the Way of Hara, in every dimension of their beings: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical ones. He contributes to the awakening of self-realization in a pragmatic, structured, and functional way. 


Cycles available for companies and private individuals

  • Companies: group of 5 people, on demand schedule.

  • Privates: cycles of 1 hour session, per group of 10 people; schedule available upon request.


​For any further inquiries, please use the following form.


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